Thursday, May 19, 2011

No one ever told me.....

My little guy has a friend, a little friend who is a girl.

And she came to the barn yesterday - and it was delightful.  The little girl is also horse mad.

My guy was the king of the barn as far as he was concerned.  Showing her around....

So sweet to watch them son is so loving and gentle.  Sometimes how laid back and sweet he is bothers me.....I get concerned he will get pushed around as he gets older and goes to school.....he is not a pusher or a shover, he does not rip toys out of other kids hands......he gets very concerned when another kid hurts themselves, and hates when a baby cries.....

No one ever told me how much I would want to protect my son when I was pregnant, or how you worry yourself about how to arm him with inner strength, and self one told me how I would fret if another kid does not talk to him......he does not understand that at all.....

No one told me how it just tears your much you love your kids.  How you would do anything for they come they just adore you and love you and how precious they are and how easily you can screw all this careful you have to be with these little hearts.....these little people as we shape them to get out in the world.......

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute, you are raising a gentleman. My son was the same way, and at 29 he still is if not more so. I love that picture of you, him, and the horse.
