Friday, July 29, 2011

In the peak of show season.....

Me and my beautiful horse, competing.....

We are in the peak of show season - training 6 days a week.  I am riding two horses and teaching a couple of others as well.  It is very hard work, especially in this heat.  We have so many shows coming up.  But it is all good and I am actually getting to do what I love.  It is hard to split my time up effectively between being a mummy, a wife, running the house and riding and showing.

That is the one thing I do struggle with, making sure that during the day, after the 3 or so hours at the barn that I do spend some special time with my son.  He is with me at the barn and he has a ball, but I feel like my attention has be diverted, which it has, and he is as good as gold, so I feel that I he deserves a good dose of mummies attention, undivided.  So I am very adamant about that.  My little guy is an outside kid, loves to be outside, so whatever we do, it is invariable outside.

My business is up and running.  Which is great - I have to say I love to teach.  It is very rewarding.  Watching and helping new riders is wonderful.  In my world, everyone wants to teach the "upper levels" of dressage and I love to teach the beginners.  So many people say to me that they "wouldn't know where to start" and their "kids are dying to learn" that is what I do.  I try and be very approachable and make it not so intimidating, which the world of dressage can be......

Oh and now we have 3 ducks in our backyard......yes, 3 ducks.  We got them as ducklings at Easter for my son, and now they are grown and they seem to have stuck....thankfully we have the room - 2 acres, so they are free to wander around, they are pets now really.....people must think we are mad as they drive by our home and there are 3 ducks wandering around the yard!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Life lessons...

I have not blogged for a while simply due to time, but I have to say that lately I have been surprised by people's behavior, good and bad....

But the wonderful thing is that I have found some great new friends that I have stumbled upon and we are all close with the same goals in mind when it comes to our horses and riding....that we support each other in our endeavors....which is lovely and unusual in the dressage world. You really have to filter out the nonsense and just get on with your own thing....people love to intervene, stick their noses where they don't belong, and generally are a pain in the butt....

A wise rabbi once told me, and I am not Jewish,but this was back in my Wall Street days, that "you should mind your own farm"......there are a few people who need this advice....
