Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New mums or moms

When I was pregnant with my son, everyone I spoke to had to tell me their horror story.  Why is that???  I was so determined not to listen to them and blocked all the negative nonsense out....

New mums or moms, you have nothing to worry about - I am not going to tell you that it is a walk in the park, however, it is not as bad as everyone tells you.......albeit, I did not have an easy labor and had a c-section (this was a surprise) but everything worked out fine and I have a healthy happy boy and I am healthy and happy.  I am not going to go into the whole story because I don't want to talk about that now.  I just want to pass on a happy note to you to let you know that all will be OK.  The c-section is not as bad as everyone says.  I have a tiny scar well below my bikini line - I have no "pouch" that women talk about.  The pain is tolerable - I mean they give you awesome drugs!!! 

I cannot comment on vaginal births.....but all I know is those women got to go home faster than I did and I was jealous of that.....I had to hang around the hospital and I was bored and wanted to go home to my own bed and my own shower etc.  

Let me say that the first shower you take when you get home is FANTASTIC.   Let that hot water cascade down your back and relish in it....nothing feels better.....honestly.  

Another hint for you - WALK.  Yes, even tho it is uncomfortable and painful, go for a walk every day.  I did.  I did the "shuffle" out in the park.....pushing bub and myself every day.  It is the best advice I ever received.  Gets you out of the house and into the fresh air.  Gets the blood moving. Makes you feel like you are normal again.   Just start with 15 mins..  Gradually build it up.  But you must go for a walk every day.  Trust me.  It works.

Breast feed if you can.....I could not actually do the boob thing, it hurt me too much.....but I did pump - yes pump it up ladies!!!!!  The pump is a little uncomfortable when you first start, but once you get the hang of it - it is awesome.  Helps you loose weight and gives the baby the breast of both worlds!!!!  Without the sore nipples!!!!!!   yayayayaaaaaa!!!!!

But you will be fine!!!!!!  All will be AOK.  If I could have found more positive blogs about experiences I would never have gone in so worried.....


  1. I have had three children and like you I got horror stories during the pregnancy of my first child. I was told that people would tell me these stories to prepare me for the worst that could happen. My response to them was 'no two pregnancies or labors are alike, I don't need to know this' and I didn't let their stories bother me. I forced the belief into my own head that my delivery wouldn't be as bad as the stories I heard so there was no need in worrying. This helped. I guess worry and stress during pregnancy is all in what you allow to get to you.

    I'm glad all went well for you and will be watching your blog to see the new postings. Congratulations on your little guy.

  2. Hi there - So nice to hear from you!!! You have a great website!!! You have been thru some tough times. I am sorry to hear about your losses....I look forward to enjoying yr website and good luck with the new business ventures!!!
