Thursday, May 7, 2009


So I am really new to not earning an income and it is really strange and really hard to get used to. I never felt guilty about buying anything or doing anything when I was working as well.  It was not even a second thought.......but now I find it really weird and I do feel guilty and it is a strange feeling living off someone else, even though my husband is great and just laughs at me when I mention this....he thinks I am being silly - which I am.  But still this lingering guilt.  With time I am sure this will all go away - well I hope!!!  I mean who wants to feel guilty about hanging at home with their little ones???  

In any event, I was scrubbing the kitchen floor this morning....on my hands and knees literally scrubbing, and I have decided to try and do some work from home - something that may bring in some kind of income, which will ease my irrational emotions and also put some extra cash in our pockets which is always welcome!!!!   But this is not as easy as it should be.....I mean you would think that these days of blogging, emailing, twitering or tweeting whatever they call it (and I have to admit I signed up today out of pure curiosity) that working from home should be a no-brainer.  But no such luck.  

Anyway - my little guy is 6 months old......he is trying desperately to crawl.  Gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth, giggles away and then collapses.  Absolutely delightful to watch.  Makes me laugh every time.  He just seems to grow every day - bigger and bigger and his personality is emerging.  He is quite the comedian.  Thinks he is hysterical.  He sneezes and he laughs at himself, which makes me laugh which makes him laugh.  He gets mad when I don't feed him fast enough.....I mean where do they learn this????  

One of my favorite times with him is in the evening.....I love to give him his dinner, give him his bath and then snuggle with him in our bed for his last bottle of the day - he snuggles right up against me, with the pillows supporting him....and he drinks his bottle and falls asleep.  So cute.  Just a lovely mummy and baby time....I know I know, so many people would say this is a bad habit, however, I feel that it is just our time at the end of the day.  He knows and I know and it is just our quiet time......

We all need a little quiet time?  Don't you think?

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