I am a little Aussie chic living in New Jersey. I am a wife and a mum to my little boy. I own horses and compete in the world of dressage, with a huge dream.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
My Little Comedian
I am not a let them cry it out fan. I am not emotionally equipped to do that. I would drink us out of every wine and liquor in our apartment and then go get more......Then I would become more emotional and my husband would want to jump off the balcony. Not pretty.
So, I sat him up in his crib, and he stopped his babbling immediately..........ahhhh peace. But now he is currently peering at me thru the slats....actually quite funny as he goes from gap to gap to get a better view......but if I laugh at him I am done for.........so I am trying to ignore him....so friggen funny tho........hahahhahhaaaaaaaaaaaaa oh goodness I need a glass of wine....
Last night we did this until around 9pm when he finally did go to sleep, and then slept thru until 6.30am. Nice.
So I figured that I would just sit here and answer emails while he works out whatever it is in his head that he needs to work out. He is being so funny right now - just gooing and gahing me - and peering at me....honestly....WTF??? HAHAHAHAHA. such a friggen comedian.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Two Little Boys - ANZACS

Two little boys had two little toys
Each had a wooden horse
Gaily they played each summer's day
Warriors both of course
One little chap then had a mishap
Broke off his horse's head
Wept for his toy then cried with joy
As his young playmate said
Did you think I would leave you crying
When there's room on my horse for two
Climb up here Jack and don't be crying
I can go just as fast with two
When we grow up we'll both be soldiers
And our horses will not be toys
And I wonder if we'll remember
When we were two little boys
Long years had passed, war came so fast
Bravely they marched away
Cannon roared loud, and in the mad crowd
Wounded and dying lay
Up goes a shout, a horse dashes out
Out from the ranks so blue
Gallops away to where Joe lay
Then came a voice he knew
Did you think I would leave you dying
When there's room on my horse for two
Climb up here Joe, we'll soon be flying
I can go just as fast with two
Did you say Joe I'm all a-tremble
Perhaps it's the battle's noise
But I think it's that I remember
When we were two little boys
Do you think I would leave you dying
There's room on my horse for two
Climb up here Joe, we'll soon by flying
Back to the ranks so blue
Can you feel Joe I'm all a tremble
Perhaps it's the battle's noise
But I think it's that I remember
When we were two little boys
Watch this on YouTube. This is a great Australian entertainer that we grew up on...........
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
So I am really new to not earning an income and it is really strange and really hard to get used to. I never felt guilty about buying anything or doing anything when I was working as well. It was not even a second thought.......but now I find it really weird and I do feel guilty and it is a strange feeling living off someone else, even though my husband is great and just laughs at me when I mention this....he thinks I am being silly - which I am. But still this lingering guilt. With time I am sure this will all go away - well I hope!!! I mean who wants to feel guilty about hanging at home with their little ones???
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
My sick horse
My other baby, my horse, who truely is only a baby in the horse world has been laid up now for nearly a month with a sore foot (in the horse world, known as a hoof). His name is Tee and he is truely my other child. He became lame about a month ago just prior to a show we were to compete at (of course) and we called the vet....long story short this vet misdiagnosed my poor horse and he had to suffer more than he needed....he had an abcess in his hoof - quite a regular thing for a horse to get, however, the vet first decided he did have an abcess and put a poultice on his foot to try and draw it out. After 2 weeks this did not work and he was still lame and in pain. I was getting very worried. So we had xrays done. The vet said nothing was there. That he just had a sore foot and we should put him on painkillers and anti-inflamatory drugs for 5 days and put a special shoe on (put on with glue rather than nails) and he should be good to go..........NOT. 5 days later my poor horse could not walk. Seriously. I was in my kitchen crying. I mean he is a huge bay thoroughbred, gorgeous and gentle, and standing there holding his front foot up....looking at me as if to say "help mummy"....So enough was enough. I called in a specialist. He got there 2 hours later. First thing he did was pull off that stupid glue on shoe. This was an enormous pain in the butt to do.....but this vet was AWESOME. Finally he pried this thing off and a huge spurt of black gunk came out of the bottom of my horses foot - not kidding. Completely disgusting. Needless to say this vet fixed my horses foot and he is now on the road to recovery. My horse will be fine and we will be back at work and showing on May 22nd. But this whole process is yet again a learning curve for me. My horse has no words to communicate with me, it is all thru touching, the looks, the behavior, the understanding that comes when you listen without your ears.....Our babies are the same - yes?? They have no words, they are unable to express themselves our way. They have to express themselves without words.......